Mediating civil matters specializing in Worker's Compensation
Philip T. Hoffman, Esq. is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Court Mediator since January 2016 and a Certified BBB Auto Line Arbitrator. Mr Hoffman received his Bachelor of Science degree Cum Laude from the Florida State University in 1983 and his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Florida College of Law in 1987. Mr. Hoffman is an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida since 1987, although currently he is not actively engaged in the practice of law so as to devote his full time to his mediation practice. He has practiced exclusively in the specialty of Florida Worker's Compensation Law since 1987. He represented both the injured worker and the employer/carrier in the South Florida jurisdictions of Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and St Lucie counties until 1999 at which time he relocated to Pensacola and practiced in the Florida panhandle jurisdictions covering Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahassee and surrounding areas, representing the employer/carrier. Throughout his 30 years of practice Mr. Hoffman has litigated most if not all of the significant issues under the Florida Worker's Compensation Law. This experience coupled with his experience representing both sides of the litigation, the claimant and the defense, positions him to see both sides of the case to more effectively resolve disputed issues and effect global settlements.
Mr. Hoffman will mediate all civil matters in the Florida panhandle jurisdictions of Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahassee and surrounding areas. He will travel to other jurisdictions if his travel expenses are reimbursed and will conduct mediations by telephone or zoom if the parties desire. Mr. Hoffman is experienced in Worker's Compensation law and can substitute his private mediation conference for the state mediation conference to fulfill the states mandatory mediation requirements. Mr. Hoffman will travel to any location scheduled by the parties. The rate per hour IS $300. There is a two hour mandatory minimum charge. There is a $200 flat fee for round trip travel to Panama City and Tallahassee venues. There are otherwise no travel charges. The rate charges are applied from the start to the conclusion of the mediation. There are no docketing charges or filing fees. There are no cancelation fees so long as the mediation is cancelled prior to departure, otherwise the two hour mandatory minimum charge is applied.
Just click the above link to schedule a mediation. All calendar times are set to local Pensacola time (Central time zone). List the names of the attorney and assistant scheduling the mediation and the address where the mediation will take place. In the message section list the full style of the case and case number or DOAH number if applicable. Any special requirements or requests can also be listed in the message section. If the situs of the mediation is located in the Eastern time zone it will be helpful to list both the Eastern and Central times of the mediation in the message section. When the mediation is scheduled a confirming email will automatically be sent to you. Mr Hoffman will reply back to you at his earliest convenience to confirm. You can also schedule a mediation by contacting Mr. Hoffman by telephone at 850 292 3960 or by email at pthoffmanmediations@gmail.com.
Thank You for your business!